2012 |
- Dec.Began operations with 2 employees in Higashi-Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo.
2013 |
- Sep.Relocated to the 6th floor of the Kyowa Building, 2-28-5 Higashi-Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, to accommodate business growth.
- Dec.Reached 120 transactions for the year.
2014 |
- Dec.Reached 240 transactions for the year.
2015 |
- Jan.Began sponsoring a women's professional baseball team and hiring players as staff.
- Apr.Began hiring new graduates.
- Dec.Reached 250 transactions for the year.
2016 |
- Mar.Launched "One Room Direct®," a one-stop service covering buying and selling.
- Dec.Established a loan partnership with SBJ Bank.
- Dec.Reached 316 transactions for the year.
2017 |
- Apr.Achieved 1 billion yen in sales.
- MayConducted joint seminars with SBI Money Plaza.
- Dec.Reached 545 transactions for the year.
2018 |
- Mar.Formed a loan partnership with ORIX Bank.
- Apr.Achieved 2.1 billion yen in sales.
- MayChanged the company to a listing preparation system Transitioned to a company with auditors.
- Sep.Expanded office space to the 5th floor of the Kyowa Building, 2-28-5 Higashi-Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo.
- Dec.Achieved 4.6 billion yen in sales during an irregular 8-month accounting period (due to transitioning to a holding company structure). Reached 865 transactions for the year.
2019 |
- Feb.Held joint seminars with Money Forward, Inc.
- Mar.Established a loan partnership with Credit Saison.
- Dec.Secured another loan partnership with Credit Saison and reached 1,200 transactions annually.
2020 |
- Jan.Rebranded from Sellgate Japan K.K. to GATES Inc.
- Dec.Moved the head office to the 34th floor of Sumitomo Fudosan Shinjuku Grand Tower.
2023 |
- Mar.Featured in the Financial Times' Top 500 Fastest-Growing Companies in Asia-Pacific and High-Growth Companies Asia-Pacific 2022-2023. Earned a consecutive year ranking.
- Dec.Named by The Wall Street Journal as part of the Next ERA Leaders. President Sekino received recognition as a next-generation leader.
2024 |
- Mar.Received the Weekly Economist RECAWARD2024.
- Jun.Awarded the WORLD.COM AWARD 2024.